Fireboy-Xintex is a leader among manufacturers of fire extinguishing systems. The company owes its position to the use of FM200 and Novec1330 gas. It is very effective in extinguishing Class C fires, i.e. fires of electrical equipment, which is located, among others in yacht engine rooms.
Fire extinguishing systems using FM200. they are divided into two types: pre-engineered and engineered.
Pre-engineered is an FM200 fire extinguishing system that can be used on yachts and recreational boats with an overall length of less than 24m. Due to the large fire extinguishing potential, this type of system is effective for rooms with a volume of 0.7 m3 to 85 m3.
Catalogue Fireboy-Xintex PRE-ENGINEERED FM200
For unclassified units with engine room volume up to 495m3, GA1-GA2 fire extinguishing system is offered.
Catalogue Fireboy-Xintex GA1-GA2
The engineered system is designed for larger vessels over 24 m in length and small seagoing vessels (15-24m). The volume of the protected area is also increasing – up to 500 m3. These systems are individually designed.
Catalogue Fireboy-Xintex ENGINEERED
Advantages of the FM200 fire extinguishing system
The main advantages of the FM200 fire extinguishing system used, incl. efficiency and safety are on yachts. The gas already after 10 seconds reaches a concentration level sufficient to extinguish a fire. What’s more, it suppresses all types of fire, is odorless, does not conduct electricity and does not leave deposits.
An important advantage of the FM200 fire extinguishing system used on yachts is also safety of use. The gas is not toxic to humans.
One should not forget about such an aspect as ecology. Everyone for whom responsibility for the environment is important should choose FM200 for the yacht. This system is characterized by rapid degradation in the atmosphere, does not affect the ozone layer, and can also be refilled.
We design fire extinguishing installations on ships.
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